Publication Schedule & Advertising in the JSCE
Q. When are issues of the JSCE published and available?
A. The JSCE publishes two issues each year. The Spring/Summer issue should be available online on the Philosophy Documentation Center's site in June and the Fall/Winter issue should be available in November. Members have access to new issues immediately after publication online. Print copies are mailed approximately 1 month after publication online. Please note that the pandemic is affecting delivery times for print copies.
Q. When are new issues available on Project MUSE and AtlaSerials?
A. New issues of the JSCE are available on Project MUSE and AtlaSerials two to three months after initial publication. Current and recent volumes are available on Project MUSE. All volumes are available from AtlaSerials.
Q. What audience does the JSCE reach?
A. The journal reaches all 800+ members of the Society of Christian Ethics and ethics scholars working in Christian ethics. Members are primarily drawn from the faculties of universities, colleges, and theological schools primarily in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.
Q. How do I place an advertisement in the JSCE?
A. You may reserve ad space in the journal by contacting Greg Swope, the Production Manager at the Philosophy Documentation Center who is responsible for journal advertising. Greg can be contacted by email or by phone at 434-220-3300. March 1st is the due date for the spring issue, usually distributed in July. September 1 is the due date for the fall issue, usually distributed in December.
Q. What does an advertisement cost?
A. A full page advertisements costs $400 per issue. For ads placed in multiple issues, or for multiple ads placed by the same publisher within a single issue, the cost is $350 per issue. Ads are located after the book review section in each issue.
Q. Where do I send the copy for the advertisement? What are the specifications?
A. Send your copy for the advertisement in PDF format to Greg Swope ( at the Philosophy Documentation Center. Ads must be black and white (not color), with maximum dimensions of 5" x 7" (full page). Minimum resolution for images is 300 dpi.
Q. What kind of advertisements may be placed in the JSCE? A. Advertisements for books, graduate programs, and conferences of interest to the membership are accepted.